Portraits of Traditional Communities in their Landscapes


Portraits of Traditional Communities in their Landscapes

Welcome to EthnoScapes! This gallery proudly presents a captivating collection of my own photographs, capturing the lush landscapes and traditional communities from various regions of Indonesia. From the picturesque scenery of Sumatra, Borneo, Maluku, Bali, and Lombok to the culturally rich islands of Alor, Timor, Rote, and Sabu, these images showcase the mesmerizing diversity of Indonesia's traditional heritage through my lens.

As the photographer and explorer behind these images, I embarked on a remarkable research voyage and unforgettable pleasure holidays, capturing the essence of each location with an intimate perspective. In bustling traditional markets, I've immersed myself in the vibrant tapestry of colors, flavors, and traditions that define the heart of Indonesian culture.

Through candid portraits, I aim to portray the uniqueness and character of typically traditional individuals, their faces narrating stories of history and resilience. These snapshots provide a window into the simple yet profound moments that shape their daily lives, reflecting the timeless customs and rituals that have endured for generations.

Additionally, my lens takes you on a special reportage journey to Sumatra, where the captivating "Pacu Jawi" unfolds—a traditional buffalo race that epitomizes the spirit and vigor of the region's indigenous festivities.

Every image in EthnoScapes is a testament to the beauty and complexity of Indonesia's cultural heritage, captured with a genuine passion for preserving and celebrating these remarkable communities. Join me on this visual odyssey as we traverse the stunning EthnoScapes, where the past and present coalesce in a captivating tapestry of life.

Bali Jakarta Centre Kalimantan East Kalimantan Lombok Maluku Sumatra Rote Alor Timor